A Message from HerrickGlobal

A Message from HerrickGlobal


Dear Clients and Friends:

Over the past ten days, so much has been written about the impact of the coronavirus on people and businesses, that I purposefully delayed adding to the many messages.  However, it is now time to share with you where things stand with HerrickGlobal.

First and foremost, our staff and their families are all fine.  And, we have made some procedural changes to help reduce the likelihood that our staff will be exposed to any infection.  Second, the professionalism of each member of our team is shining through the gloom as they are not only committed to keep our projects flowing smoothly, but doing so in a positive and supportive way to our clients and to each other.  For this, I am truly grateful. 

As a practical step, we have suspended almost all in-person meetings until further notice.  Instead, we are encouraging telephone communications where helpful, and ask that clients simply upload to their portal, send, or drop-off their tax information.  We will reach out to you should we have questions.

Internally, we have taken appropriate steps to improve daily disinfection, to provide for remote work where needed, and to ask each person to respect local, state, or national guidance related to the efforts to radically reduce the spread.

Right now, I am pleased to report that we are generally on schedule and expect it to continue that way – but should that change significantly, we will work to keep our clients informed.

Those who may know me personally probably realize that I place much importance on gratitude.  In every adversity, there is opportunity if we dig deeply enough to find it.  I invite all who may read this to pause, as frequently as you feel it is needed, to reflect on the many small things for which we can each be grateful.  Together, we can uplift little by little the mental mood of our world.

Thank you for your part.




Claude R. Schwesig, CPA

President, HerrickGlobal